Purpose in the every day

As Americans, we spend more than one-third of our lives on the job. But as Christians, we believe work is not simply a place we show up to every day. Work is something we are called and created to do—in an office, at home, on a job site, as a volunteer, or sitting behind a laptop screen at a coffee shop.
With so many hours, days and years “on the job,” how does work fit into or relate to Christians’ lives? How can our faith be strengthened by and affirmed for our vocations? What challenges must be navigated to prevent workplace burnout, a crisis of faith, or both? And how can faith be integrated into all the “doing” that gets done in a given day?
At Northeast Indiana Center for Faith and Work, these questions drive our mission. We are here to help you find the purpose in the every day. 


Cultural Clashes with Our Faith & Work: Materialism
Thursday, October 17


@ Tall Rabbit Cafe + Community, 2001 Calhoun Street


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    Latest Blog

    Golden Rule For Your Email Inbox

    The average professional receives approximately 120 emails in her work inbox daily, on top of the emails in her personal inboxes and social media DMs. Interspersed among notes from colleagues and friends is a deluge of deals and newsletters asking us to read, buy, share, and be more.


    This makes us feel anxious and has led to a host of advice columns on how to tame your inbox. But when optimization is one of society’s highest values, fear of the notification icon can tempt us to neglect the calling of the Golden Rule.


    How can we love and serve our fellow emailers without spending too much time in our inboxes?

    About Us

    Northeast Indiana Center for Faith and Work exists to help Christians in Northeast Indiana more deeply embrace their identity in Christ and its integration into their everyday work as they seek the common good of the region and beyond.
    We are a community based initiative brought together through a desire of Christian leaders spanning multiple denominations and industries to see our region flourish as the Christian community vibrantly lives out its calling to faithfully steward every aspect of God’s creation.