19 Nov A Prayer of Thanks
Lord you have been good to us. Thank you for giving us rest. Thank you for nourishing our souls while we rested in your presence.
God of all grace, who called us to your eternal glory in Christ, we thank you that we can throw all our anxieties into your deep, deep sea of grace. Restore us, make us strong, and steadfast so that we can resist the devil. To you belongs all the power for ever and ever. Thank you for the Bible; speak to us today through your word so that we may be able to stand firm in this day of evil.
Gracious Father, thank you for your grace. Help us to look beyond our situations and focus on your love for us. Help us to live our lives today to your glory and honor so that in all things you may be praised.
Heavenly Father, thank you that you call us by name. May your word that endures forever re-ignite our hope and enlarge our imagination for our lives, for love and for holiness.
Jesus, we thank you that you are the light of the world; and that we no longer walk in darkness for you are the light of our life. Keep us from sin, pride, and anything else that might snuff out your light.
Father, we thank you that you have searched us and know us. We thank you that you know our anxious thoughts. Help us to focus our thoughts and energies on what is true, what is noble, what is right, what is pure, what is lovely, what is admirable, what is excellent and praiseworthy.
Father, we crave your peace and joy. Help us to live our lives unruffled by the storms swirling around us.
Thank you, Lord, for the people at work you have placed into our lives. Thank you for the skills and abilities you have given them. Give them wisdom to do their work with excellence. We thank you that you know what is going on in their lives, that you created them, and that you have blessed them with hopes and dreams. Father, we pray that you would grant them the desires of their hearts, and that one day they would acknowledge you as Lord.
Precious Shepherd and Savior, thank you that when we go to bed tonight, we will have nothing to fear and that our sleep will be sweet. Amen
From the Faith at Work Network